Welcome to Generation Lissa!
Just in case you don't know what a webring is, it's a circular collection of websites which can be navigated to from each individual member's website, making it easy to find other websites fitting the theme of the webring.

This webring is for people who learnt how build their own personal websites with code between the years of 1996 and 2005 and still run a personal space on the Internet. The following rules are to keep true to that demographic!- You MUST have a personal website or blog that you built or heavily modified yourself with code. Blogs with WordPress themes are fine, as long as you used code to personalise them!
- No commercial websites or social media will be accepted.
- As the youngest members of this ring should be in their late 20s, NSFW/adult content is allowed. Please be mindful of this when surfing the ring.
- I consider NSFW content that is clearly marked in its own section safe for work. You may choose 'No' on the join form.
- However, no hateful, harmful or illegal content is allowed. Period.
- Once approved, you should add and keep the code on your website. Removal or alteration of the URL of the code will break the ring and that defeats the purpose of a webring!
- You will be added to the rotation once you have confirmed that your code has been added to your website.
- If you move URLs or place the code on different page on your website, please resubmit your site - I'll figure it out. You can also send me an email to let me know so I can update the ring accordingly.

Join the Ring!
Please fill out the following form to request to join the ring. If you meet the requirements, you will be added within 48 hours. You will recieve an email upon approval with your personalised code to add to your website and once you have confirmed the addition of the code, you will be added to the rotation. If this form does not work for you, please send me an email.

Current Members
Here's a list of all 43 members of the Generation Lissa webring! The icons on the left show the state of a site:

Down below, you can generate widget codes to put on your site. Just put in your chosen 3 letter code and you'll get ready-to-use HTML. You can choose whether to add the full text, with the random and member list links or the simple text which only includes the previous and next links. They will look something like this at their most basic, but you're welcome to style them however you please.If you were on the ring in its previous form, you'll have to get new links. The webri.ng links will keep working for as long as they need to, but I hope that you'll generate new links down here and put them on your site; I'll periodically check all sites on the ring and update the statuses!
Just the URLs
Full Text
Simple Text
Image widget

Layout inspired by this old version of Lissa Explains It All.Images altered from Katerinjiyuu's "Funny retro psychedelic stickers...".
Fonts used are Itim and Comic Neue.
Formerly powered by Webri.ng and Neocities
Now powered by rmf's webring code.
Founded by Moxie.
Now run by rmf.
Announcement: 22nd August 2024
The Generation Lissa webring has been successfully moved to genlissa.baccyflap.com (that's where you are right now) - I will keep the webri.ng ring working for as long as is necessary for everyone to change their links to the new format. Hopefully weeks, possibly years - getting people to change webring links can take a while, ask me how I know.This means that applications are open again! So go ahead and join the Generation Lissa webring! You have to do it, I don't make the rules!
Announcement: 4th August 2024
Greetings, rmf speaking here. I approached Moxie and after a quick back-and-forth we decided it'd be okay if I took over Gen Lissa. This means that the ring is back and will continue to function and update! I'll probably be migrating the webring to a subdomain of baccyflap.com - this will come later, so no need to worry about it for now. Just putting this notice here so anyone reading knows that there's no need to remove the ring code from your page, because Gen Lissa lives on!It's Moxie's project and Moxie's vision, and I'm honoured to be looking after it now.
Announcement - 4th August 2024
Generation Lissa is no longer accepting new members and will be closing shortly. If you have not received an email from me about the closure, I will be keeping the ring active until the 4th of September to give everyone time to remove the code before it well and truly breaks, but after that, it will be no more! Thanks for being a member of the ring!